Friday, December 16, 2011

Jones-Emberson 1

Observation in Varages (Provence) - Sqm 21,19 - Obsession 18"<br />
Jones-Emberson 1 is a large planetary planetary in Lyn. It must be very faint as I cannot see it when I do not use filters. An UHC works OK but the best view is obtained with an OIII filter. The typical shape of the headphone is visible. These are 2 lobs connected by a ring. The other side of the ring has not been observed. The eastern lob is the brightest area of this object. The bridge and western lob remains faint. At the western lob there is a star just at the inner edge. There is another star, but fainter, just at the outside of the edge. Observation at 88x and 124x.

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